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Showing posts with label not valued for worth and knowledge. Show all posts

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Emotional Honesty Is Necessary for Productive Businesses

When one of your employees come to you with an issue ---you can bet that all the other employees know about it, even in a large company. Most unhappy employees tend to mull their issue(s) over, and then spread it around the office for everyone's opinion. Remember to deal with each issue as a type---in its own category.
Listening is essential in being in charge of a work force. We all need to use our ears 2/3 of the time and our mouth 1/3 to have better answers and solutions to all issues.
A business that can boast about production and employees with positive attitudes is one with savvy owners/managers who uses the emotional honesty concept.
Words: 120
What does this mean for your company? It means in lieu of work, time consuming speculations and conversations on issues prove non-productive. No, you do not call that employee in and reprimand them. What you do instead is plan a staff meeting, after you made your list then talk to them about the following:
·        First to start our meeting today, I should thank my employees who have remained positive in our working environment because of many issues we are dealing with in our world today. To name a few, the economy, higher prices at the gas pump, at the grocery store, no raises this year because we do not want to have a layoff---or have to downsize our staff.
·        Today we are going to discuss Emotions in the Workplace. Now, once it was common for businesses to tell employees to leave your home issues at the door because when you come to work, we want your full attention.
·        This is extremely outdated, and what I would like for each of you to do is make a list about what determines your emotional condition when leaving from home.
·        This could be juggling babysitters, to having a child sick at home---what do we do about it? Should I stay home? But I have too much work to do. This equals stress which affects our emotions and this can lead to fear. Fear we cannot find another babysitter in time to work. Will I be late for work or can I go to work---will I be fired?

No One Leaves Their Brain at Home:
We do not leave our brains at home. Therefore, why should anyone expect you to leave your emotions there? (It would be wise to will take this opportunity to discuss their emotional issues in the staff meeting after employees have prepared their list.)
What happens next ---the owner/manager is now aware that these valuable employees come to work with emotional baggage they can solve the issue--- with just a few words.
For instance if an employee needs time to find a sitter--tell them to call in and leave a message with whomever answers the company phones. Then tell the employee to call in when he/she is on the way to work.
No pressure--no stress. Solve with a few words from manager. And, the other employees are aware this person has issues also, then feeling more compassionate with their co-workers as the meeting goes on; and they become comfortable about sharing their emotional issues.
Attitudes will change for the better and the employees will feel appreciated because someone cares about them. Emotional honesty increases production as employees minds are on their work---not on feeling alone with their issues.
Words are Golden:
When you have everyone together in a meeting start it out with refreshments, coffee, tea, etc. cookies, cake or do-nuts. This time a little sugar might help sweeten the overall environment, and satisfy hunger. (I never took time to eat before I went to work. Not eating breakfast was my bad habit) so, this will really help, in keeping everyone's attention.
Because I can guarantee some employees will be nervous about speaking out in meetings because they fear retaliation.
These Golden Words are:
·        Pleasure: Experience a positive feeling coming to work, and doing the work you enjoy:
·        1.) Leave your desk at the end of the day in a neat working order.
·        2.) Everyone feel fortunate because so millions do not have jobs.
·        3.) Smile--it is contagious--see how many people smile back.
·        Passion: Do you love what you do? No, then do what you love, or incorporate it into your work, and keep the momentum going.
·        Trust: Does your staff trust the company, or your private business? Do they feel secure in working for your company? It would help if you shared with them any present or future plans, benefit(s) or bonus they will receive, or that you are working on to get them. Trust works both ways: Do you have key employees that you trust--most companies do--but do the other employees feel that same trust?
·        Opportunity: Employees become stimulated and sparkle with energy because they receive the opportunity to grow and improve themselves career wise.
·        There's no need to enroll them in a college course, but you can set up a course of cross-training. So everyone will eventually know how to work all the office positions.
·        Set up a schedule for everyone to cross train each employee. When completed, the teacher of that position will give a test to the trainee, and then the manager receives the results.
·        And points are given to that employee for passing. Make the points mean something to everyone. Have a party after hours.
Then the company operates smoothly when employees are on vacation or out period.
When stating to your employees that you have an open door policy please be there to hear what they have to say. When owners, managers, or supervisor come to work late constantly you may as well wear a sign that says I don't want to be here either!
Emotional Honesty is necessary for productive businesses.
Give Your Workplace a Grade
What Grade Would You Give Your Work Place?
·                 A---Because I look forward to going to work each day.
·                B---Because it is a good job.
·               C---Because I am not challenged in my job and it is boring.
·              D---Because it is a dead-end job---no raises or promotions
·               F---I would welcome being fired.

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PurvisBobbi44 is the sole author of this article and if copied anywhere else on the Internet or printed in magazines or books it was taken without written consent and is strictly prohibited.