Showing posts with label bullying in workplace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bullying in workplace. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2013

Bullying in Workplace Makes Employers Liable

Over 25 states have in place an “Abusive Workplace Environment Act” waiting approval for making a bill.  But will the bill protect the employee in the private sector? It appears it will protect the state government agencies, counties, and employees paid by the state governments. Awareness of the issue is important and employers should remember bullying in workplace holds employers liable.

Where does that leave the other employees of America? It is the employer’s place to support a secure and safe environment for his employees and if he does not then, he is liable. 

Why hasn’t it become a federal law? One reason is business lobbyist who influences our government leaders; do not want laws that would hurt the business which pays the lobbyists.  And, Congress believes it would give workers a field day of suing for the least little action. Since they do not face bullying in their workplace it is not important to them to help the American workers.

How long should the workforce wait for protection from workplace bullying?  Fifty (50) percent of adult workers have personally experienced bullying or witnessed workplace abuse. So let’s put it in the hands of the employers where it belongs.

Employers should have in their policies and procedures that workplace bullying is not tolerated. And, to educate employees about bullying. An employer should have workplace workshops to tell all employees. And, if an employee sees or told about any bullying happening in the business; then the ones who kept quiet about the bullying would be held accountable as well.

Bullying is damaging to the employer as well as the employee and is not tolerated in any form whatsoever. The employer should educate the employees with meetings and hand out the addendum(s) added to their policies and procedures section of the “Employee Handbook.”

If an employer disregards a complaint from an employee and does nothing about it; let me suggest get legal advice. Because of the economy employees cannot secure another job as easily as before; because for every job openings there are many people who apply for one job.

Bullying in the workplace is more prevalent than anyone first thought and it can cause serious health damages, from mistreatment, verbal abuse or threatening conduct to the employee singled out; will have negative effects such as:

  • Absenteeism and low output
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Digestive issues
  • High blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Lowered self-esteem and depression
  • migraines
  • Non-productive at work
  • Personal problems outside of work can form
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder 
  • Stress
  • Trouble with relationships due to stress over work

Employees should always document and keep notes with dates, times and name of the offender, and any witness to it. Be meticulously proficient in obtaining proof as you may need it for your attorney if the employer does nothing about it. 
Keep you notebook at home so it cannot be taken out of your desk or from your locker. Make sure that you are the target for the bullying and that it is not happening to more than you. However, if you are part of a group being bullied then, there is a thin line between bullying and harassment; this would be for your legal adviser to decide.

Employers should know that:
           Intimidation, Mistreatment,  Oppression, Harassment, Victimization, Maltreatment, 
      Discrimination, Singling Out an individual, Terrorizing, and Persecuting.

The above are different types of bullying in the workplace. So be a savvy boss and take care of your workers and do not tolerate bullying in any form. One large lawsuit can reduce the business' liquid assets or close the business completely. Be aware that the employer, the company and the bullying employee can and will usually be sued by the victim.

Nip the bullying in the bud with education to all employees,--- put it in your policies and procedures section of the Employee Handbook and check the employees quietly to see what is going on in the workplace.  You are the one responsible for your employees; so act like it by doing your due-diligence and making a positive work environment, which will equal a productive and successful business. And, it is important to remember that bullying in workplace holds employers liable.

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