Thursday, July 18, 2013

Companies Downsizing

Is there gossip in the workplace about the future possibility of company downsizing? And that it will happen soon? Has your manager given any indication in your recent staff meeting that it will happen?


Never assume that some will escape the axe of economization. Always prepare for what life may throw at you. Never feel badly when or if this happens. Remember what our mothers told us: "When a door closes, a window opens." This will be a new start if it happens to you.

When you hear or see the first signs your company is having issues, update your résumé and get written references from co-workers or clients, if you feel their references would help you secure a new job.

Do not sit on your hands and hope for the best.Be realistic and ask yourself, "Do I want to stay any longer with a company that is having issues?"

Do I want to wait until they file bankruptcy? Or do I want to prepare and plan ahead by setting up interviews? Are you going to look out for number one? If you do, you will be ahead of the game.

If you live in a city, then you are able to do research to learn what companies are hiring. Self-interest is when you self-market to your friends to find out if their company is hiring after you research their stability. Also, register with employment agencies to get additional assistance with job searching.

Do not let the economy stop you from taking care of business. There are always issues in life; rise above them. Be your own best friend and promote yourself by networking.

If your present employer becomes aware of your endeavor and asks you about it, be honest and ask if they would prepare a written reference for you on company letterhead. that you will give two weeks’ notice before leaving if that is acceptable with them. If you are working for professional employers, they will understand, and some might even appreciate the fact that more employees are securing their own future. It will mean fewer employees they have to lay off.


However, if the worst-case scenario happens and they become upset and tell you that you are fired, then you will get severance pay and you can go straight to the unemployment office and register for unemployment. Most people get jobs before they receive unemployment benefits, at least that has been the experience of the people I know. Then you will be glad you prepared ahead of time. But if it takes a while, do not be ashamed of receiving unemployment while you look for a job.


And remember, there's no shame in being laid off, downsized, or even terminated. Some of the most famous people in the world have seen a pink slip or two in their lives. The disgrace is not thinking ahead and being prepared. Always be the master of your own plans; do not let others surprise you in life, as some employers and businesses like to keep secrets of financial issues until the bitter end.


Mark Cuban, who worked at a computer store, is now a billionaire, and this one will astonish you. Walt Disney was fired by an editor who said he lacked imagination and did not have good ideas. See what happened they went on to bigger and better things. These are just two of so many who have traveled down the road of unemployment. When a door closes, opportunity often knocks. Will you be ready to answer it?

The way I see it, the only disgrace in life is doing nothing. And there are people in our world who do nothing every day because they lack ambition, and to me, they are just living a plain slothful existence. not the kind of life for someone who wants the best for themselves and their family.

Always be positive and professional in every situation life gives you. I remember my Daddy's advice: A man or woman worth having is one who can smile when everything goes dead wrong.

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