If you have never encountered nepotism in your career, then you are very fortunate. Nepotism is sometimes a two-way street, especially with relatives who are very dedicated workers and do not expect any favors, just the opportunity to work and be a team player.
And then there are the relatives from another planet—those who never get to work on time, take days off whenever they please, are not team players, and think they can goof off all day and do very little work. relatives who visit and talk to friends on the phone excessively. Or friends that just happened to drop by in a very busy office where others are doing 110% to get their job completed.
If the owner or manager thinks this is going unnoticed, think again. Everyone is either thinking about it or gossiping about it. Which means that not only is the lazy relative getting paid to do very little or nothing, but now the employees are taking time to gossip about it.
I know this really makes the hard-working employees feel exasperated, and many who get disillusioned with the working environment of nepotism go to other jobs. And many update their resumes and start looking for a better place to work.
Now, if you like what you are doing in this workplace, here is my suggestion to you:
- Keep your mind on your own work and let others gossip if they feel the need. Remember, what you say can be twisted around and carried to the very person everyone is gossiping about. Keep your thoughts to yourself—do not share your opinion(s) with anyone other than fellow employees.
- You are still getting paid for what you do. And do not think the owner or manager is not watching what each employee is doing. Stay in your office, area, or wherever you work and do your job.
- One might think they know the reason a relative was hired, but I can assure anyone that you probably do not know. You will never know the real reason.
- Be pleasant and converse with fellow workers, but do not share your opinion and do not stay around people who are gossiping.
- Your purpose for this job is to be paid for the duties you are responsible for executing. That and only that—this is not high school, so you do not have to fit in with every group.
- Be happy each morning to go to work. Only worry about yourself and your job. Everyone else can do the same or not—you do not worry about what anyone else is doing, nor should you feel the need to share why you are not gossiping.
To maintain and keep the office in productive mode, it takes a savvy employer or owner. All employers and owners should be aware of employee issues in the workplace.