We all know that when a group of people are working together, there will be one or two who disagree.
If this is not handled in a professional manner between the two employees, then the manager/owner is needed to resolve the issue.
When this occurs, it is the manager's or owner’s duty to nip it in the bud quickly so the employees can get back to work. And don’t fool yourself—the employees are not affected by someone else’s issues.
As a professional who has worked with different types of personalities, I can tell you that I am forever shocked that one adult cannot relate to another to explain their differences or concerns.
Some act in such an unprofessional manner that I am embarrassed for them, and I always wonder why these adult employees are not more professional.
I once worked in an office where two employees who had a conflict with each other went outside in the parking lot and screamed and shouted at each other. Finally, the owner/manager went outside to break it up.
To me, this is such low-class behavior—in other words, vulgar and crude—that it is not in my professional zone. I would not tolerate such behavior—I would have fired them both as they had previously made several trips into the office to be reprimanded before this happened.
If there is an issue, then the new hire should be advised to contact the manager or owner, whoever is in charge, to take care of the issue in a professional manner.
Let everyone know this type of behavior will not be tolerated at any level. Everyone needs to act professionally in a professional environment. They are employed to work and do their assigned duties; nothing else is relevant.
It is the manager's or owner's responsibility to maintain a professional and pleasant workplace for the employees. If after talking to someone several times, you make notes of all the conversation, have a witness in the office while talking to the employee to protect yourself legally, and let them know they have created an unpleasant workplace by causing conflict,
Tell them one more time, and they will be fired; no talking will be necessary; this is a business, and everyone is expected to act in a professional manner.
A good manager or owner will not tolerate one person causing a lot of stress throughout the office. Have this person sign a reprimand form that states the subject discussed and, if it happens again, what measures will be taken.
Don’t fool yourself as the manager or owner into thinking that your employees are not talking about this--some may even be updating their resumes to look for a more professional working environment. If this is not handled correctly, you might be interviewing in the near future to fill the positions of those who are leaving this unpleasant workplace.
Employees have a right to work in a friendly office ambiance; just dealing with outside life is stressful enough for people these days; the office should be a safe and pleasant workplace.