Friday, September 5, 2014

How to Deal with a Bad Boss

Statistics show that over 31% of workers who quit their jobs do because of their bosses. And, we are not talking about a few thousand people, but over 2 million quit their employment every month. Therefore, 31% is a vast amount of unhappy employees.

From a Gallup Poll (Link Below) researching 142 countries worldwide only 13% of all workers are happy in their employment; with the remaining 63% proved not inspired---in other words each worked for payday and Friday; and 24% proved non-productive, unhappy and likely to show a negative attitude in the workplace.

Remember the slogan: The Buck Stops Here---therefore, it is the boss of the company who has the power to find out why his employees are not happy working for him/her. If a company hired a savvy person to manage the office and employees then there should be no problem.
  • Here are some reasons for issues to exist: a.) Nepotism b.) Boss’ references not checked c.) Boss’ background not checked d.) Boss favors certain employees e.) Socialized with certain employees f.) Employees overlooked for a promotion g.) Not paid for excellent work ethics h.)Underpaid for title of job

And, the list goes on to illustrate that a boss who ignored his due-diligence because the company that hired him. They neglected their due-diligence before hiring a man/woman who could jeopardize the company’s production and profit; and prove not suitable for the position initially.

Unhappy employees are not: energized, eager, productive, at work every day and not positive. Their face tells it all---it is difficult to miss when someone is unhappy.
  • What a Boss Should Do:
  •  a.) Respect his employees by paying them for their work-worth; that means by the title and the duties. Give bonuses to the ones who excel by always being at work and completing their duties. 
  • b.) And, leaving a clean and safe workplace. 
  • c.) communication with employees. 
  • d.) Walk around casually and see who looks unhappy---get out of your office
  • e.) Have a staff meeting with a prepared speech about sharing any concern or suggestions 
  • f.) The next day walk through your employees and ask each employee quietly if you may write their name down to talk in your office at their convenience

Then the unhappiness should fade away after each employee meets with the boss. And, the good news is---the unhappiness may stem from another office issue---that a confident boss to nips in the bud.

Now as a savvy “Boss” keep your employees happy by always showing appreciation and respect. And, they will be productive and respectful. The duties of a boss are not always simple, but it is better to stay ahead of any issues in lieu of lagging behind with an amazed look on your face.

2013 Gallup Poll---Click the Link Below: 
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Friday, May 9, 2014

A Great Boss

One of my most enjoyable working experiences was with a Boss who appreciated our dedication with surprises.  All of us had different duties and job titles in a large Insurance Company, but all who worked in his department felt special.

Most of the women I worked with were married with children. And, others like me were young, married and without children. When you worked in an office environment everyone soon knows most of your likes and dislikes. And, especially your work ethics as well as you know theirs.

In this department we took pride in our work with meticulous scrutiny and our Boss showed his appreciation with the following:

  • Birthdays---He would take us somewhere special for lunch or have a surprise party for the employee in the office.

  • Holidays---We received one rose each on Valentine’s Day with a card and a box of candy for each of us. On Mother’s Day he let us leave early to shop for our mothers---that was appreciated by us. And, he did the same for Father’s Day. Thanksgiving he gave us hams or baskets of fruits and nuts. Halloween he allowed us to dress in costumes it was an individual choice, but I enjoyed seeing others in their Halloween costumes, and sometimes I did join the fun. Christmas we drew names and had a Christmas Party at his home or in the office on Christmas Eve.

  • When we had staff meetings he ordered out for lunch to be delivered. And, this was appreciated; especially by the mothers with children to dress, feed and drive to school or the babysitter’s early in the morning. He understood how employees with children spent hours of rushing around before they clocked in for their jobs.

  • I did not have children so I had no idea about being a mother and how much they appreciated their jobs because when their babies were sick he understood, and helped if he could.

  • He gave us movie tickets, tickets to the local plays, special events in the city, and discount tickets on lunch. On our Employee Anniversaries he took us to dinner with our husbands or special someone.

He was a great Boss and we never forgot his birthday, and he always seemed surprised when he all brought a dish for his birthday surprise and gave him a gift from all of us. I want to believe there are still Bosses like him in our world today. I never had another one like him---who did not need to demand and threaten us to produce---because we took pride in our work with a special desire to make him proud.

So, Employers what are you doing special for your employees. Don’t tell yourself---well I signed their paychecks, as well you should---but what above that have you done for them. If you want a positive working environment, then surprise your employees with a treat once in a while. 

                                          Let's Rethink Employee Appreciation

You will be rewarded by seeing the smiles on their faces. After all a little sugar never hurt anyone, but it can improve one's attitude 100%---it is called being appreciated.

© BEPH 2014 All Rights Reserved
PurvisBobbi44 is the sole author of this Blog and if it is seen anywhere
else on the Internet or in print it was taken without my consent.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Workplace Violence

Businesses large, small and family owned should implement a ‘Workplace Violence Policy’ and a ‘Defensive Program.’  Then execute regular training for all employees in how to protect one’s self if violence occurs in the workplace.

Have a staff meeting with all employees after the work day. Send out a notification stating the meeting is on a certain date and it is mandatory.

Begin with the four (4) broad categories:

Type 1. Violent Acts by Criminals. Criminals who selected a workplace without any connection with employees---only to rob. This is about 80% of workplace homicides, because the criminal has a weapon, in most cases a gun and in all probability will either kill or hurt someone.

   This category of violence spotlights on certain work-related groups.

a.) Taxi Drivers---the job with maximum risk of being murdered.

b.) Late Night Retail

c.) Fast Foods Delivery Drivers

d.) Gas Station Clerks

e.) Other Night Workers---located in remote or unsafe neighborhoods.

f.) workers who made the nightly deposits or carry cash.

Type 2. Violence Focused at Employees.  By customers, clients, patients, students, prisoners or others who receives services on the premises or in-the-home.This category of violence spotlights workers who are performing their duties like: Police officers, security guards, correctional officers, mental health worker. When an Irate customer not receiving or obtaining services and/or the quality of service, becomes violent.

But sadly the employees who experience the highest rate of violence of the Type 2 are health-care workers---nurses particularly, doctors, nurses, aides in dealing with psychiatric patients; emergency medical teams; and hospital employees working in admissions, E.R.’s and crisis or critical units.

Type 3. Violence against Co-Workers, Supervisor, or managers. By a present or past employee.

Type 4. Violence Committed in the Workplace by Non-employees. Violence by domestic abusers or any personal relations. Type 3 and Type 4 violence are as just as serious as any other violence committed against a person. 

The only difference in Type 3 and Type 4 is one may receive warning signs when it is from an employee or someone close to the employee, therefore the owner/manager will see or be notified by another employee of the current issues another employee is experiencing. Therefore, preventive measures are taken to protect the other employees.

Employers are legally and morally obligated to uphold a workplace environment free from threats and violence. If an employer thinks it will not happen in his business then he is not acting responsibly; and is putting his employees in jeopardy.

Employees Do your Due Diligence by speaking to your employer about workplace violence if a program it not currently mandated in your workplace. In meetings everyone should understand to work together as a unit for everyone’s safety and protection. And, that means if any co-worker is dealing with:

·        stalking,
·        spousal abuse,
·        divorce, 
·        bad relationship break-up,
·        involved in a lawsuit,
·        uninvited attention from anyone
·        threats

Any issues that could and would affect an employee and other co-workers are brought up in the meeting(s). Don’t be afraid to bring anything up that is a concern---and let your employer know about it, even if it pertains to someone else. No one is to leave the meeting---without speaking out about any issues---no matter how small they might seem. It is the smallest incident that sometimes becomes the deadliest.

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